Compatible with all CND enhancement products, Future Form features an intuitive design and modernized material. Use Future Form for a customized fit with reinforced adhesion.For natural-looking nail enhancements with a deep C-curve and
no seepage. Compatible with all CNDTM enhancement systems.
Step 1 – Prepare the form
- Cut the perforated line along the back tab to allow forsymmetrical placement.
- Mold the form into a gentle C-curve by holding the bottom tabsand rolling the form back and forth until the C-curve mimicsthe natural nail.
- Place the form under the free edge and press along the lateralsidewalls to see where the sidewall of the nail aligns with the form.To customize the form, create small indents along the sidewallsto indicate where customization should begin.
- Use cuticle scissors to pre-tailor the form. Cut the sidewall backvto the cat-ear opening. For nails with high sidewalls or a deephyponychium, cut a V-shape into the smile line area of the formto mirror the shape of the natural nail free edge line.
Step 2 – Fit form to finger
- Place the form under the free edge, ensuring it fits snugly againstthe free edge line. This will help prevent product seepage underthe nail during sculpting.
Step 3 – Secure form to finger
- Press firmly on the number 1 indicator on the form to secure the fitto the nail and finger.
- Squeeze the front tabs together and press tabs up toward the nailat the number 2 indicator to create a perfect fit, making sure thesidewall lines are straight and align to the nail.
- Further secure the form to the finger by pressing the number 3indicator to ensure the form is secure around the finger.
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